Our initial, post heady New Year celebration, exuberant resolutions are already beginning to fade: dry January, New Year New Diet. Gym memberships have soared, but attendances already falling off.
Now is the ideal time to get serious and make real plans for the future. For those in business, the holidays can often give a time for quiet reflection and opportunity to focus on strategy. And every consideration of strategy should examine the business’ ability to export.
If you already sell outside your local area, then why not spread your wings a little further? It is a strange thing; the British are famous for exporting ourselves, but are more reluctant to export our products. There were 70.8 million* visits overseas by UK residents in 2016 – is all we see in the shops when travelling the same as we see at home? Not in my experience, so there is a clear opportunity to sell products that are not already there. There is also the opportunity to help cater for the requirements of all those visitors, by making sure they can find familiar products when abroad.
Ah! I hear you say, but will people in those export markets want our products? There were 37.6 million* visitors to the UK in 2016 spending £22.5 billion* showing that there is lots that they do like.
Considering this huge opportunity is a must for any business. Is it for everyone? Of course not. But don’t you want to at least check that you are not missing a trick? And while you are at it, why not tap into all the free help there is to guide you?
So you have nothing to lose, free help and advice, and the potential of lots of new business. Now that’s a plan!
This process can be much easier than you fear, but the best news is that there is so much help available, wherever in the UK you are based, and much of it is free. There are industry and country experts waiting to speak to you. So what have you got to lose, get exporting and join the 200 Export Club. A chance to join a community and discuss all things export!

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